May 29, 2008 Dear Richard, This Memorial Day, as we dropped banners saying "NO MORE WAR" and "IMPEACH" over freeways across the country, yet another US soldier was killed in Iraq. AP reported that 24-year-old Blake Evans from Rockport, IL was hit by an improvised explosive device. According to his family, Evans was on his second tour in Iraq and was looking forward to returning home on leave next month to spend time with his wife and two children, the youngest of whom is turning 2 years old next week. Our hearts go out to his family, and to the families of all the fallen soldiers. While our Congressional representatives are in their home offices this week, let's tell them to bring our soldiers home. With the largest supplemental vote in the history of this war looming on the horizon, now is the perfect time to contact them, through a call or a visit (find your rep's local number or address here). First, find out how your reps voted on the recent funding bill here. If your reps voted AGAINST the supplemental funding bill, please thank them and say "Keep saying No to War Funding!" If your reps voted YES, please say "The American people want to see an end to this war. We urge you to vote against the new supplemental funding bill." Ask if your rep will be speaking at any local events, and if so, deliver your "Stop funding the war" message to them in person. To make your call even more personal, remind your rep how many soldiers from your home state have died in the war (you can find the number here). To witness a beautiful example of women speaking truth to power, watch this video of four courageous CODEPINK sisters as they speak out at the Petraeus-Odierno Confirmation Hearing in Congress. All of our voices have the power to make such an impact. Make sure yours is heard when your reps are home over the next week. With peace and determination,
Alicia, Dana, Desiree, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jodie, Liz, Medea, Nancy, Rae, Sarah and Tighe p.s. CODEPINK is asking mayors around the country to sign on to a resolution against going to war with Iran. The resolution will be presented at the US Conference of Mayors on June 20 in Miami. Can you contact your mayor and ask him/her to sign on? Click here for a copy of the resolution and a sample cover letter. |